World Mental Health Day, celebrated on October 10th, is recognized as a day for people and communities to unite behind the theme, "Mental health is a universal human right.” The day is meant to spread awareness, knowledge, and drive action that protects and promotes everyone’s mental health – universally.

Mental health is vital to a person’s overall health, including your emotional, physical, and psychological well-being. It can affect the way people handle stress and treat others. Many factors can contribute to a person’s mental health and increase stress, but studies have shown that music can significantly decrease stress and reduce anxiety. In honor of World Mental Health Day, we’ve rounded up tips on how the power of music can boost your mood and mental health.

The Power of Music

Did you know about the ‘world’s most relaxing song?’ A collaboration between researchers and musical group, Macaroni Union, created the song, Weightless, which is said to be the world’s most relaxing singing.

The song was developed by leaning into science and finding arrangements that triggered deep relaxation. For example, the song starts at 60 beats-per-minute (BPM), which is the average resting heart rate, then moves to 50 BPM to guide the listener into a calmer state. Additionally, a technique called, “entrainment” was used, which aligns the brainwaves of the listener with the song’s frequencies – which in turn, along with the tempo, helps the heart rate to sync and become even more calm.

The song combines low frequencies, a slow tempo, and instruments like pianos, guitars, and chimes. It also includes some environmental aspects, like nature sounds such as trickling water and birds. Together, these elements created the “world’s most relaxing song.”


Nature Sounds

According to research, the more contact and the better! Studies show being associated and having interactions with nature lead to better body and brain health. Nature sounds, specifically birds, appear to have healing benefits and alleviate negative emotions. Sounds of rainfall help ease stress and anxiety as well, specifically with an average BPM of 86. In addition to rainfall, lakes and running water with a 94 BPM, have shown positive results in boosting mental health.


Listening to Music

Did you know that new research shows that listening to music for 13 minutes releases sadness and listening for nine minutes makes you happy? It’s no secret that music can have a positive and powerful effect that helps improve your mood and overall mental well-being. But, new studies show that listening to music with no lyrics, slow tempo, and a simple melody can decrease muscle tension and negative thoughts, resulting in a more peaceful state. On the other hand, listening to songs with an upbeat tempo, faster rhythm, and positive lyrics for nine minutes resulted in people feeling uplifted.


Tips for Improving Mental Health

With the power of music and a variety of music streaming platforms, below are a few tips for improving your mental health:

Check out the Weightless song on YouTube for increased relaxation and stress relief
Get out into nature! Whether it’s sitting outside at home, taking a walk, or going to a park, the sounds of nature will help ease anxiety
If you’re unable to get outside, listen to nature sounds like running water or birdsongs
Listen to music for at least 9 - 13 minutes, with or without lyrics to help boost your mood, feel calmer, and more relaxed

Check out the below recommended products for an immersive listening experience, while decreasing unwanted noise to assist in relieving stress.