For the Love of Music: Q&A with Newsboys Lead Singer Michael Tait


Singer Michael Tait has been at the forefront of Christian popular music since forming the influential rap/rock trio DC Talk with TobyMac and Kevin Max in the late 1980s. Tait has also enjoyed success as a solo artist and, since 2009, as the lead singer of the Newsboys, one of the most popular and enduring Christian rock bands on the planet. We spoke with Tait recently to learn more about his life in and out of music, his early influences, his approach to songwriting, and what he’s been up to in this prolonged downtime for musicians everywhere.

Who or what were some of the early influences that made you want to become a musician?

I grew up in D.C., four blocks from the U.S. Capitol Building. My father was a pastor of a church in D.C. – he kind of started five different churches in inner-city Washington when I was a kid. And he drove a cab on the side, how about that? And Mom worked for the government. In my household, being believers, being Christians, my dad was pretty big on us not being diluted by all the popular music of the day. So things were not allowed in our house. But one vocalist was allowed in our house that I liked a lot, a guy named Nat King Cole. That was probably my earliest influence, Nat King Cole. I remember being 13 or 14 years old, in my room, with a little turntable playing [sings] “Unforgettable …” – all those songs. As a kid, I was like, Dude, who is that guy? I don’t know, but I like him a lot. Then I discovered Nat King Cole Christmas music and went to a whole other level. But Nat King Cole for sure, all the greats – Frank Sinatra – you know, all the crooners. When I was at my friend’s house, I’d put in a little Michael Jackson, of course, a little Kool & the Gang, a little Mick Jagger here and there. See, I’m a pophead. I just love music. If there’s a melody to it, if it’s catchy, and, preferably, a little bit of a message, I’m all about it.

For our readers who have never heard your music, how would you describe your sound?

Our sound changes from record to record, I think. DC Talk either ruined me or made me better as an artist. TobyMac, Kevin Max, and Michael Tait – DC Talk, back in the day – we did every kind of style from “Jesus Loves Me” to “Jesus Freak,” from conservative-sounding to kind of pop, mainstream-sounding. So I’m kind of all over the map. When we put pen to paper to write a new record, I always say you’re kind of reapplying for your job, because you’re not sure that it’s going to be as good or as accepted as the last record was. So I’m very careful when I think about where the record’s going to go musically, and what’s believable for me and what the Newsboys’ audience likes. I think we’re hodgepodge. At the end of the day, we are a pop band, with rock influences, for sure.

How did you become the lead singer for Newsboys?

I met Wes Campbell, the manager of the Newsboys, a long time ago. John James was the original lead singer, then he left and Peter Furler, who was probably there for the longest, about 20 years plus, took over on vocals. But, then, he too decided to step aside. So in 2009 Wes calls me. I’m in D.C., visiting my mom, and I was in between careers, and Wes says, Hey, how about doing Newsboys for a couple of shows? Well, those few shows turned into 10 years, obviously, and I haven’t looked back. But I absolutely love being in this band, absolutely love doing what I do, absolutely love being part of this genre and being able to make music that changes people’s lives. That’s the greatest thing in the world to me, because music is so powerful – we know that. It’s changed generations, it’s influenced generations. Animals like it. Plants like it. So when I put pen to paper I think very much about where it’s going to go, because sometimes the only way to a kid’s heart, a person’s heart, is through their headphones. So it makes it powerful, and I know that.

Are you doing things outside the Newsboys as well?

I like country music a lot, and one day I’m going to put out something that might surprise you. I’m not saying I’m trying to be Darius Rucker or my other friend, Jimmie Allen – good friends of mine, I like their music a lot – but, I don’t know, I might do something like that. And I like to collaborate. I have a few dream artists I want to collaborate with, but we’ll see.

What skills have you learned that have helped you in your singing career?

I’ve learned to love people well, love them extravagantly, and not to judge anybody by how they look, but by their character, by what they’re about. I love singing in front of audiences, I love seeing families at the shows. Those skills I’ve sharpened over the years, for sure – being on stage. People skills are very important if you’re going to do what we do. And my motorcycle skills have gotten a lot better [laughs]. With my riding I get a lot of ideas, but I also get them from meeting people. When I meet people they inspire me and it feeds my thoughts about where a song can go, should go. I love meeting people’s needs. I’m a giver that way. I love people that way. So, yeah, the skill sets have definitely improved over the years.

For the Love of Music: Q&A with Newsboys Lead Singer Michael Tait

Where do you draw the inspiration to write your songs and what’s your favorite part about the process?

One thing for sure: when you’re not inspired, you’re not inspired. And that part stinks, because there have been days – and months – where I’ve had droughts where I’m like, man, I’m so not inspired. I still love the music, still want to sing, but sometimes it’s tough because you don’t have the inspiration. But when it does come, there is nothing better than writing a song and a lyric that you know is special. Now, I often say – I coined this phrase – I often say, “A hit ain’t a hit till it’s a hit.” At first you’re in the room with your writers. You write the song, you kind of know it’s a hit, you record the demo, you kind of feel it’s a hit, but then the public has to weigh in and say that it is a hit. So that’s the third hit – third time’s a charm. Man, there’s nothing better than that – writing the music and connecting with people with the melodic sense that you know you’re tapping into something deep. And you can call it being a fan, or fanboying or fangirling over each other or different people, but I fanboy over solid songwriting sessions [laughs].

There are also those songs that you know are not going to be released to radio. You know it may not be the Sour Patch Kid, musically, in your mouth like, Oh my gosh, it’s a smash! But there are songs that grow on people, they’re called album cuts or B-sides, and a lot of times they become cult-fanish faves. Here’s an analogy about my writing process: I’m a big UFC fan, and they teach from the very beginning that every fight ends up on the floor. So what do they do? They teach you to fight on the floor, because that’s where you’re going. When I get with other writers – young writers, experienced writers, whoever – I say, Guys, the plan is, the hopeful plan is, every song ends up on the stage. So when I’m writing I have to ask myself what’s going to work for this audience, what are they going to jump to, bounce to, be inspired to, cry to, laugh to, party to. I think that way when I put pen to paper or melody to a guitar chord, because if you do a bunch of stuff that’s not going to work live, then you’re kind of defeating your purpose, especially nowadays. You got to have the songs that are going to meet the people’s needs, meet them where they are, you know? Know your audience.

If you could only choose one piece of audio gear for singing and/or recording, what would it be and why?

It would have to be a microphone from you guys. That’s my favorite thing – microphones. If I could carry an A-T microphone around with me that would work with speakers coming from heaven, I’d be happy. You guys have my favorite mics, it’s a fact, I use them on tour. [Onstage, the Newsboys use the 5000 Series wireless system with Dante output and ATW-C5400 cardioid condensers for the majority of vocals, plus our AE6100 vocal and ATM350D, AT4041, ATM230, AE2300, and ATM450 instrument wired mics.] Our front-of-house man, Johnny O’Neal, says, Tait, this is the best mic for your voice. So that's my favorite piece of recording gear. And my M50x headphones, too. The sound on those things is great. Once again, you guys have kind of cornered the market on that stuff. I’ve used those in the studio recording songs because, the quality’s so good. It’s like a more comfortable in-ear, because it’s so cushy.

It looks like you may have some performances this fall. What can fans expect?

Well, our General Manager, Dave Wagner, sends me a text message yesterday, said, Tait, don't get excited just yet because these things change a lot with COVID. But we’re looking at some shows in Texas and the South, yes, but that’s as far as I’ll go. I’m not complaining, because I’m getting to make great music right now. I haven’t had time off like this in my entire life, not even in DC Talk or my Tait solo career, let alone with Newsboys. To have this kind of time off … There’s a silver lining for me in the COVID-19 pandemic, and it’s time to find out who I am again [laughs], to actually have a house I can live in, a pool I can swim in, and music I can make. So it’s been pretty good for me in that sense. Yeah, I miss the bus, I miss the time with the boys, I miss the fans, no question about it. But we’re cooking up something very special during this time period and it’s got me pretty fired up.

What’s your motto or the advice you live by?

Three words: choices have consequences. And I’ve learned that in more ways than I care to express or waste your time with here. But, moral of the story: choose wisely

For the Love of Music: Q&A with Newsboys Lead Singer Michael Tait

Photo Credit: Caleb Cook

What’s your favorite thing to do when you aren’t performing with Newsboys?

I’m definitely a people lover. I’m the baby of nine kids – five older sisters, three older brothers. So I enjoy family time. I just had some family in town all week last week. I love friend time. I love reading. I snowboard, and I ride motorcycles. And I love them all. But music, obviously, trumps everything. Music for me is the best. What a cool life God’s blessed me with, to sing songs and have people pay to see you do it and support you, and you in turn give back to them love and music and what they want. So it’s people helping people, it’s reciprocal, it’s a great thing. Until COVID came along and took it from us.

What’s next and how can fans stay in touch with you?

We’re working on the new record, which I’m really excited about because I’ve had so much time to be so heavily involved in it. The record will be out sometime next year. Then a tour, whenever we can tour again, but nobody knows when that’s going to happen. We are hoping next spring to be back up and running.

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Main Image Photo Credit: Caleb Cook