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Audio Solutions Question of the Week: What are the Features of the Function Button on the 3000 Series 4th Generation Transmitters?

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Question: What are the features of the Function button on the 3000 Series 4th generation transmitters?

Answer: The 3000 Series 4th generation wireless system is the recent upgrade to our popular 3000 Series. This upgrade has introduced many useful features that we will talk about in future blog entries. This week we will focus on a brand new feature, the Function button. The Function button (or the Fn button) is a control that can be used to perform one of several user-assigned functions.

Audio Solutions Question of the Week: What are the Features of the Function Button on the 3000 Series 4th Generation Transmitters?

Below are brief descriptions of each function that can be assigned to the Fn button.

Disable – This turns off any assignment to the button.

Mute – The button will allow you to mute or unmute the audio on the ATW-T3202 handheld microphone transmitter. (The ATW-T3201 body-pack transmitter has a designated mute switch.)

MuteOnLock – This allows the Fn button to mute the microphone even when all of the transmitter buttons have been locked. The lock function is another very useful function that can be set on the transmitter. Again, note this is only available on the ATW-T3202 handheld transmitter because the ATW-T3201 body-pack transmitter has a designated mute switch.

Bkup Freq – This is a new feature of the 3000 Series 4th generation that lets you set a backup frequency that can be quickly swapped by pressing the transmitter's Fn button in the event of unexpected interference. (See the user’s manual for setting the backup frequency.)

RF Off – This allows you to stop the transmitter from transmitting an RF signal without powering it down.

To select the function that will be performed by the Fn button:

  1. With the transmitter powered on, press the Set button once to place the transmitter in Menu Mode.
  2. Press the Up or Down button until “Fn BUTTON” is visible in the window. Please note that the current setting will be displayed.
  3. Press the Set button again to enter Edit Mode for that function.Audio Solutions Question of the Week: What are the Features of the Function Button on the 3000 Series 4th Generation Transmitters?
  4. Press the Up or Down button until the desired function is displayed.
  5. Press the Set button to store the setting.

To engage the function that has been programmed, simply press and hold the Fn button until the function is displayed in the display window. Please note that a quick press of the Fn button will turn the display back on after it has timed out.

If you have further questions, feel free to contact us.